For us to truly evolve to a thriving Baltimore, we will need a lot of help.
Essentially, we need you to help us realize our vision.
Whether you are an individual or represent an organization,
there are many ways you can help.
Make a commitment. Let’s show Baltimore’s leadership
how committed we, as a community, are to change.
Make a Pledge
When you establish a positive connection with a community member, it’s quite possible that you can become that person who helps them get through a difficult time. When we form caring, empathetic relationships, the benefits can be immense. Often people aren’t looking for sympathy, they are looking for someone to connect with. The video below talks about “empathy” vs. “sympathy” as well as resisting the urge to “judge”.
Are you ready to take the pledge to learn more and connect with a neighbor, a friend, a youth? It could be as simple as inviting a neighbor to dinner, treating a youth to an “electronic device free” outing, calling a friend who lost a love one in the past year, or coming to a TCC event.
Make a public commitment.
To take the pledge, just click on the link below & submit the form. We’ll include your name on the website as someone who took the pledge.
Become a TCC Partner
If you are in agreement with our vision and our mission you’ve already taken a big step toward becoming a TCC partner. The next step just requires you to take action toward furthering the cause. Actually signing on is a two-step process.
- Sign the covenant & commit to further educating yourself and/or your organization, and
- Let us know how far along the path toward becoming trauma-informed you (or your organization) have already progressed.
Additionally, all TCC partners also commit to:
- Promoting ACES education, training, policies and procedures for promotion and screening as appropriate.
- Promoting trauma-informed education, training, policies and procedures as appropriate.
- Promoting Resilience education, training, policies and procedures as appropriate.
- Implementing a procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of these policies. (Organizations only)
- Implementing an advocacy policy for advancing the knowledge of trauma-informed approaches beyond their immediate organization/scope.
- Embracing transparency and encouraging collaboration with other partners.
Go ahead, take the next step. All our partners names/logos will be shared on the website. And, you’ll be glad to know you can commit as an individual or an organization.
Thanks for Agreeing to Become a Partner!
We are excited to have you as a partner!
Clicking the link will take you to the TCC partner covenant. Review and sign the agreement. Once you've signed the agreement, just snap a photo of each page with the information filled in and forward it to us at Also, please fill out the pledge form below, so that we will have your contact information. If you would like to have your logo posted on our website under partners, please forward that also. And, finally, if you still have questions, feel free to contact us.
Thanks for Agreeing to Take the Pledge!
Thanks so much for pledging to "TAKE ACTION." Your contribution is invaluable in moving toward our vision of being a city built around communities composed of individuals, families and children who are safe, healthy, and well cared for.

Image courtesy of Bob Cotter’s photo stream. Some rights reserved.