Why We Formed the TCC

The Thriving Communities Collaborative was born out of a desire to work within communities, leveraging their strengths and resources to enable all communities in the Baltimore region to thrive.

We Welcome All Who Share Our Vision

In order for communities to thrive, the individuals and families that make up those communities must thrive. That’s why we welcome all who share our vision for a thriving Baltimore — parents, educators, civil servants, faith leaders, youth, mentors, civic organizations, community groups, health care providers, social service organizations, businesses, counselors — We all play a role in helping communities thrive.


to grow or develop vigorously

to prosper, to flourish

So many things can get in the way of someone thriving. Research has shown that one of the most important necessities for individuals to thrive is a connection with a caring adult – particularly as an infant, toddler or youth.

Additionally, the occurrence of too many traumatic or extremely negative experiences as a child can (particularly in the absence of a caring adult) significantly interfere with the ability to thrive, and cause the onset of multiple health problems as an adult.

trauma / traumatic experiences

an experience that is so physically or emotionally

harmful or life threatening that it results in

 lasting adverse emotional, physical,

social or spiritual effects.

The members of the TCC believe that through education about what causes families and individuals not to thrive, as well as education about things that help families and individuals heal and build resilience, we can build a more thriving Baltimore.


an individual’s ability to adapt in a

positive manner to stress and adversity

that they come across in life

Of course, once we understand what’s needed — what’s necessary — we have to act on it – in our personal lives – in our professional lives – through practice and advocacy.


Baltimore is comprised of a collection of communities where individuals, children, and families are safe, healthy, informed, connected, have access to quality health care and education, and are treated as human beings/citizens with all the human rights and respect which should be afforded to all world citizens.


The Thriving Communities Collaborative mission is to build a movement of powerful, informed citizens in the Baltimore metro area who:

understand what trauma is,

understand the causes and consequences of trauma,

understand the strategies for reducing the occurrence of trauma,

understand the power of connections in healing,

and are committed to avoiding re-traumatizing individuals who have experienced trauma.

Additionally, the TCC is committed to facilitating communities’ access to the resources to promote and impact:

  • education around trauma, it’s causes and consequences by providing, advancing and promoting training and professional development opportunities;
  • advocacy for appropriate prevention and intervention services within communities and systems including advocacy to reform systemic behaviors, procedures, and structures to reflect a trauma-informed approach;
  • awareness of issues facing members of our community who have been traumatized;
  • strategies for long-term community healing and improvement; and
  • how funding is being used and how legislation and policies are being developed in order to further drive systemic change through the incorporation of trauma-informed principles.

Most importantly, the TCC is open to all who embrace our vision and mission.

“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”

Martin Luther King